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November / December 2021

A message from our CEO

I wanted to start by thanking everyone who attended our Belated 70th Birthday Celebration. Over the 3 hour event, we hosted over 300 supporters, friends, individuals, staff, and community members. During the event, we unveiled an extensive history wall and if you weren’t able to be with us, I encourage you to come out to our Peoria Headquarters to see it.

The past 70 years are a testament to the groundwork of our founders. Unlike some for-profit providers, EP!C remains a truly mission-driven organization where our attention to person-centered supports is what helps us stand apart. EP!C staff shares the same values with families and guardians working to contribute to people living their best lives.

Over the past two years we’ve enjoyed sharing some of our history and a glimpse into the innovative movements we’ve been a part of. Sometimes it isn’t until we step back and reflect that we see the impact of our actions, so we wanted to share a few of our successes so far this past year.

Through the course of the pandemic, we have placed 74 job seekers in new positions through our Job Placement Program. We’ve supported a total of 102 individuals in careers they love with 57 employment partners. And 37 of our participants have college degrees or professional training.

We helped 135 people by providing Life Skills Training virtually and had 65 individuals attend virtual certification classes. We were also able to find 42 people safe opportunities to volunteer in their communities.

By moving to a Live-In model where Community Living staff resided in our Group Homes for weeks at a time, we kept 87 residents safe and supported. And despite the Caregiver Crisis prior to and continuing through the pandemic, we have yet to have to lay off any staff due to COVID-19.

Those are just a few wins in our book but would hope they are just as impactful another 70 years from now.



Peoria Marriott Pere Marquette with Chef Maneet Chauhan

Poinsettias Sale

Ready the first week of December

Choose from five colors in ranging sizes: 4.5 ” for $6 all the way up to 8.5″ for $25

* Not every color is available in every size due to the supply chain, some varieties are more limited than others.

Giving Tree

The Giving Tree program provides an opportunity for both EP!C staff and community members to purchase gifts for EP!C participants who would not normally receive a gift during the holidays.

Consider “adopting” an individual or house this season.

Gifts can be dropped off to EP!C at 1913 W. Townline Rd. until December 15th.

For more information contact 309-689-3606 or Katie Jurgens at

Leaving an EP!C Legacy

An excellent way to support EP!C’s mission is to leave us a bequest in your will, living trust or with a codicil.

A bequest is generally a revocable gift, which means it can be changed or modified at any time. Bequests are also exempt from federal estate taxes and could result in a larger inheritance for your heirs.

One significant benefit of making a gift by bequest other than the legacy you will leave is that it allows you to continue to use the property you will leave to charity during your life. If you have included a bequest for EP!C in your estate plan, please contact us to let us know to make sure we understand what is most important to you and the legacy you are leaving.

If you have any questions about how to make a bequest to EP!C or to request any additional information that might be helpful to you, please contact Colleen Halberg, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving, at, 309-689-3771 or visit

Lunch & Learn

Open your heart and home to someone with a disability.

Learn more at our virtual lunch & Learn, first Thursday of the month at noon (join via ZOOM).

EP!C is looking for contracted providers in your area.

Please contact Hilary Frank by email at or by calling 309-854-2019 to reserve your spot.

Volunteer Opportunities

From helping in our Harvest Garden to playing BINGO to virtual lessons and fall clean up at our Group Homes, we have lots of opportunities to give back this season. Interested in helping out?

Contact Katie Jurgens, our Development Coordinator, at, or by phone at 309-689-3606.

An EP!C Party

After a year-long hiatus, we were finally able to come together and celebrate our 70th Anniversary on September 9th.

Special thanks to the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce for being our guest hosts and to Rep. Cheri Bustos for honoring us with a Congressional Record from the House of Representatives in recognition of the major role we have played.

We hope you enjoyed yourselves, connected with friends, had some cake, experienced our history wall to learn something new with tours from our Chief Inspiration Officers, and took pictures in our DJ4U Mobile Entertainment photo booth.