Post Secondary
Now Enrolling – Spring Classes Start February 11, 2025
All classes are held on ICC’s Peoria & Pekin Campuses and are taught by an EP!C Instructor. Courses are for students age 16 and older. Classes are designed to promote capabilities and empower students to understand their way of learning. At the end of the course, students will receive a certificate from EP!C.
To see the full list of offerings and to register visit our class link on ICC’s website.
For questions please contact Sunny Pearson Sr. Director of Employment Services, at or 309-689-3607
Please notify us of any cancellations at least one week in advance.
If a class does not have at least 3 students registered with payment received at least one business day before the start of class the class will be canceled and refunds will be given
No refunds will be given after class has begun.