EP!C Bulldogs Basketball
EP!C Bulldogs Basketball
We are proud to help people with disabilities participate in everything life has to offer. This includes coaching and managing a team in the Special Olympics Illinois Basketball league. Ticketed scrimmages such as with the Bradley Braves have allowed the team to purchase new jersey tops and branded water bottles. We are hoping to raise enough to purchase matching shorts this year to complete our team look. Our players take such pride in representing the Bulldogs, and EP!C as a whole and it’s amazing to see them perform under the bright lights in such a large arena with the crowds cheering for them!
Special thanks to the River City Athletic Club for providing our practice space this season!
Introducing Your 2024 EP!C Bulldogs!
Team Roster: an inclusive team consisting of 10-15 players of diverse ages, sexes, races & abilities.
Coaches: EP!C staff who are DSP certified volunteer their time to coach the team by lead practices, organize the schedule, and get players to games.
Schedule: Visit the events calendar for more details.
Are You a Fan?
You can also support the EP!C Bulldogs by purchasing your fan gear through our EP!C Threads shop! We hope you wear it proudly to their games and help us cheer them on.
To purchase contact Ashley Schreck at aschreck@epicci.org
Special thanks to Pop-A-Shot for sponsoring the team with custom jerseys and personalized warmups.
Help Support the Team!
EP!C Bulldogs are the Special Olympics 2018 Division 6 State Champions!
The EP!C Bulldogs is an extracurricular activity outside funded programs. To help offset the cost of expenses such as gas to functions, player dinners, uniforms, etc. donations can be accepted through EP!C for the team.