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1913 W. Townline Rd. Peoria, IL 61615


Planned Giving

You can support EP!C in a meaningful way!
Keep us thriving with your gift, take advantage of numerous tax and financial benefits, and leave a legacy to be remembered by generations to come.

Through planned gifts, EP!C builds financial stability for the future.

Way To Give

  • Bequests
  • Wills and Living Trusts
  • Retirement Plans and Beneficiary Designation
  • Life Insurance
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Lead trusts
  • Gift Annuities
  • Stocks and Mutual Funds.

How Do I Leave a Gift to EP!C in My Will?

There are several options to make a gift as a bequest in your will.

  • You may designate a percentage of your total estate.
  • You can make a gift of a specific amount. With this type of gift, keeping your will up to date is vital.
  • You can leave a percentage of your estate. After gifts to your loved ones are made, the remainder may go to one or several organizations.

What Language is Used for Legal Documents?

How Do I Give Gifts of Retirement Plan Assets?

Assets in qualified retirement plans and IRA accounts are an excellent way to support EP!C.  When left to friends and family members other than a spouse, these funds can be subject to as much as 70% in taxes.   If a nonprofit organization is named as the beneficiary of all or a percentage of your retirement plan assets, the entire amount can be used to benefit EP!C and the people we support.

How Do I Give a Gift of Securities?

A gift of appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy way to make a gift.  Potential benefits include avoidance of paying capital gains tax, receiving a charitable income tax deduction, and enjoying possible increased income.

                Electronic transfer:

How Do I Give a Gift to the EP!C Foundation?

The EP!C Foundation is comprised of strategically invested funds that are held in perpetuity and are not spent.  A prescribed distribution from these investments support EP!C and our operations.  As the Foundation grows, an expanded source of stable funding is available to help us weather the ups and downs of the economy and keep EP!C viable into the future.

Please contact Colleen Halberg, chalberg@epicci.org or 309-689-3771 if you have any questions about how to make a bequest to EP!C or to request any additional information that might be helpful to you and your attorney as you consider making a bequest to us.

If you have included EP!C in your estate plan, please contact us to let us know. We would like to thank you and recognize you for your gift, and welcome you to the Legacy Circle of the Barbara Smiley Society.