November / December 2022
A message from our CEO
In June of this year we announced that for the third time EP!C achieved Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation from CQL, The Council on Quality and Leadership.
Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation is a four-year accreditation term for human service providers that transform person-centered philosophies into everyday practices and utilize data to assess the effectiveness of the supports that people receive.
Just a few weeks ago I had the distinction of attending their annual Lightbulb Moments conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. During the conference, some of the field’s most brilliant leaders came together to exchange ideas, pass along best practices, and share tangible, relevant, applicable information to spark change. Myself along with Kathy Carmody, CEO of the Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities, and Kim Zoeller, CEO of Ray Graham Association presented a breakout session regarding Using Person-Centered Principles To Meet The HCBS Settings Requirements.
We were in the room with agencies from all over the country and able to listen and share skills and strategies that give a deeper knowledge of the leadership practices that can help our field continue to advance the rights of people with cognitive differences.
While there is still so much more we can do, it was encouraging to see that we remain a driving force in the industry.
– Kim Cornwell, EP!C CEO
Bon Appétit 2023
This year’s event is already shaping up to be another sensational, gourmet culinary experience. We’re shaking things up with a New Chef, New Location & a New Date!
Save the Date for Bon Appétit with Chef Fabio Viviani on March 16, 2023.
EP!C Transitions
EP!C once again played a role in the Annual Illinois Statewide Transition Conference held at the Embassy Suites East Peoria on November 3 & 4, 2022.
Two of our Chief Inspiration Officers, Jon & Tyree, presented alongside Krescene Beck of Blue Tower Solutions on the topic of Supported Decision Making and Matthew in our Customized Employment Program spoke with her on the topic of Speaking Up as a Self Advocate.
This conference is ideal for transition-aged youth and young adults with disabilities, their family members and teachers, vocational professionals, caregivers, health care professionals, college students pursuing careers in special education, resident physicians, and community advocates.
The goals of the Illinois Statewide Transition Conference are to promote effective, person-centered transition planning to address aspects of adult life for youth with disabilities.

Barbara Smiley Society

In our last newsletter we spoke about the official launch of our Legacy Giving program, the Barbara Smiley Society.
On October 20th we hosted donors for a cocktail reception in celebration of their contributions to our mission this past year and recognized them with a new installation of our donor wall. Two of our Chief Inspiration Officers were there ready to give tours if requested and to talk about how they are impacted by having EP!C in their lives. We also heard from donor and former parent, Peggy Melie, who spoke about her passion for giving and why she chooses to designate her charitable giving and leave her own legacy to EP!C.
Thank you to all of our generous supporters who help ensure critical services remain accessible to our communities.

If you would like more information about the society or how to become a part of it, please contact Colleen Halberg at or 309-689-3771.
EP!C Employees
September Employee of the Month
Bernie Quin was named our Employee of the Month for September. Bernie is a Production Manager for us and you can usually catch him in our warehouse expertly maneuvering our CAT forklift.
His nominator said,“Bernie leads by example helping to run this department like any other warehouse. It gives the individuals who work for us the skills and expectations needed so they could successfully work at another warehouse.”
October Employee of the Month
Abigail Tomlin was named our Employee of the Month for October.
Her nominator said, “Every time I’m around her she is always helping someone or making that individual comfortable. She is calm and really listens to the individual’s wants and needs. She is always willing to help and hardly ever asks what she needs to do, she just does what is needed.”
Poinsettias Sale

Poinsettias will be ready the first week of December!
Choose from six colors in ranging sizes. 4.5″ for $6 all the way up to 10″ for $35. Not every color available in every size.
Giving Tree
Make the holidays brighter for a person with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
If you’d like to adopt an individual and personally shop for a person, please contact Katie Franks, Development Coordinator, directly by clicking below or calling 309-689-3606.
Best of the Best
Thank you all who voted!
Your recognition and efforts has helped award EP!C as 2022’s Best Nonprofit, and Best Employment Staffing in the Annual Peoria Journal Star’s Best of the Best Awards.